Thursday, October 10, 2013

Learn From Mistakes. *_*


Alhamdullillah dapat jugak aku update blog. Lepas nih aku akan duduk mentelaah buku2 rujukan
yang aku dah beli berkurun lama tu. dan buat sampai lebam.
Exam is coming soon! I don't know what to do right now. EXO -> Study.
Which want that I should choose? Confused

Last week, My friends and I shook because got bad news abt EXO at Korea.
It is because Baekhyun attend his brother weeding. The sasaengs fan know abt it. So they followed
EXO everywhere. Please, EXO need their privacy so, the sasaeng please don't disturb our boys.
If you want to separate a news please think before act. Please don't blame us. We are innocent.
We just wanting for a news infront our laptop. We don't know anything about the sasaengs plan
something. You know that Baekhyun shame because his brother's weeding is not be want his brother
want it.

EXO oppa. Please wait for us okay. Muaaahhh! *Gedik*
Exam coming. Pray for me to get a good result. Insyaallah. Amin
Selasa cuti.. *Dance like EXO. Growling..Growling..Growling*

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