Friday, February 14, 2014



Say hello to my blog.
Holiday? Okay Izzah and twins wanna go to korea next month. omg~ i just ._.
Izzah go there with them without her parents. Wow so lucky.
Me just stay at home, meanwhile others going to Langkawi, Singapore, Indonesia and korea.
Idk where wanna going this holiday. My mom said that we will going to Langkawi this April
but at school time so I have to skip my school for 3 days to go Langkawi.

Me want take pic like exo at there bcs the scenery so beautiful. "Exoshowtime"
Okai, i will miss that variety show. I will miss "Yehet..not my style..and others"
I read some news that exo will doing wgm. omg i totally crazy if umin go for wgm. I don't think so.
Umin is a quiet person. He always alone. 

I hope one day i will go to Korea....

Hope Enjoy Thanks!